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Squid Game

Squid Game

The Netflix hit series "Squid Game" has taken the world by storm, captivating audiences with its intense and thought-provoking storyline. 
The show, created by South Korean director Hwang Dong-hyuk, has quickly become a global phenomenon, breaking records for the streaming platform and sparking discussions on social media and beyond. 

The series follows a group of desperate individuals who are invited to participate in an underground game where they compete in various deadly games in order to win a large sum of money. The players, all struggling with financial difficulties, quickly realize that the stakes are much higher than they initially thought, as the consequences of losing could mean their own lives. One of the most striking aspects of "Squid Game" is its portrayal of the brutal reality of life for those living on the margins of society. The characters in the show are all facing financial hardships and are willing to risk everything to secure a better future for themselves and their families. 

This theme of desperation and the lengths people will go to in order to survive is a central element of the show, serving as a powerful commentary on the inequality and hardships faced by many around the world. The series also delves into complex moral and ethical questions, forcing the audience to confront their own beliefs and values. The games that the players are forced to participate in are cruel and violent, leading to difficult decisions and moral dilemmas for the characters. The show raises important questions about the nature of humanity and the dark side of human nature, challenging viewers to consider what they would do in a similar situation. 

The visual style of "Squid Game" is also a standout feature of the show, with its vibrant colors and intricate set designs creating a stark contrast to the grim and violent nature of the games. The use of bright, bold colors serves to heighten the sense of tension and unease that pervades the series, adding to the overall sense of unease and dread that hangs over the characters. But where does the name "Squid Game" come from? The name of this TV series is inspired by the Korean kids' game called "Ojingeo (오징어)", which literally means "squid". The scheme of the game is shown at the beginning of the TV series; in fact, it recalls the figure of a squid. Something that caught people’s attention is a typical Korean game song, for the equivalent of the game “Red light, green light”, sung in an episode where a robot doll recites the following sentence: 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 (mugunghwa kkotchi pieosseumnida), which literally means “hibiscus flowers have bloomed”. The hibiscus is the symbolic flower of Korea. 

Overall, "Squid Game" is a must-watch series that has captured the attention of viewers around the world. Its gripping storyline, complex themes, and compelling performances make it a standout addition to the Netflix lineup, and a show that is sure to leave a lasting impact on all who watch it. The second season of the show is expected to come out in September 2024, and social media has shown excitement over the news. 
I highly recommend watching it to anyone who wants to experience a breathtaking and unique story full of suspense and plot twists.

S.V. 3B


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