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These are the opening lines of Charles Dickens's 'A Tale of two Cities', a novel set during the French and the Industrial revolution. They helped our students of 5A and 5B ginnasio to reflect upon the actual situation. This is the result:
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times;
It is the age of freedom, it is the age of confinement;
It is the epoch of true, it is the epoch of fake;
We are living our spring of hope, we are living our winter of despair;
We have everything before us and we have nothing before us;
It is the period of ignorance, it is the period of good sense;
It is the season of strength, it is the season of weakness;
It is the time of understanding, it is the time of rejection;
It is the time of fullness, it is the time of emptiness;
In short this is a period which everybody insists on its being received,
for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
V A Ginn.
V B Ginn.
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