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Break a leg: the curious history behind good luck

 Why would anyone wish you a broken leg before a big performance?

During the late 16th and early 17th centuries, theatres were one of the most popular forms

of entertainment in England; everybody wanted to spend their time in playhouses such as

“the Globe”, where Shakespeare’s works were performed in front of everyone.

Unlike today’s polite and quiet audiences, Elizabethan spectators were deeply expressive

and if they loved a scene they would cheer, clap and sometimes even throw coins onto the

stage. But, if they were moved to strong emotions whether admiration, fury, sadness or a

feeling of revenge, they might cry, shout and most of all spit!

Actors of the time were very passionate with their role and were fully immersed in the scene

provoking deep and true emotions from the public.

In particularly intense moments, when a performance was especially captivating, the actors

might find themselves slipping on the wooden stage because of the spits of the people,

sometimes falling hard enough to break a limb. It was not uncommon for injuries to occur

during these intense scenes, and in a strange way, these accidents became a sign of success.

An actor’s fall or injury often meant that the audience had been fully engaged and moved to

tears, it suggested that the performance had been powerful enough to leave a lasting

impression. Over time, this phrase evolved from a description of unfortunate accidents into

a way to wish performers good fortune in their roles.

“Break a leg” eventually spread beyond the stage: today, people use it in a broader sense,

wishing good luck to anyone about to undertake a big challenge, whether it’s an actor

stepping onto a stage, a student about to take an exam, or an athlete before a competition.

So, next time you hear someone say “Break a leg,” take it as a compliment. It means they’re

hoping you’ll give a performance worth remembering.

                                                                                                                    V.G. 2ACLA


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