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Bridgerton: a royal tv show.

 Bridgerton: a royal tv show.

"Bridgerton" is a new period drama series on Netflix that has been making waves since its release in December 2020. The show, created by Chris Van Dusen and produced by Shonda Rhimes, is based on a book series by Julia Quinn and follows the lives of the wealthy Bridgerton family in Regency-era London.

The series is set in the 19th century and revolves around the high society of London where gossip and scandal are in abundance. The Bridgerton family, headed by the widowed Lady Violet Bridgerton, consists of eight siblings who each have their own unique personalities and struggles. The show also focuses on the mysterious Lady Whistledown, a social commentator whose scandalous newsletter serves as the main source of gossip in town.

One of the key elements of "Bridgerton" is its diverse casting, which has been praised for breaking the mold of traditional period dramas. The show features a mix of actors from different backgrounds, bringing a fresh perspective to the genre. Additionally, the series tackles issues of race and class, exploring the complexities of society during this time period.

The romance aspect of "Bridgerton" is also a major draw for viewers. The show follows the romantic entanglements of the Bridgerton siblings, as they navigate the highs and lows of love in a society that is often unforgiving and judgmental. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, making for some truly swoon-worthy moments.

Overall, "Bridgerton" has been praised for its lush production design, captivating storytelling, and stellar performances from the cast. The show has quickly become a fan favorite on Netflix, with many viewers already clamoring for a second season. Whether you're a fan of period dramas or just looking for a captivating new show to binge-watch, "Bridgerton" is definitely worth checking out.




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