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The popular Netflix series "Outer Banks" has generated a lot of discussion among young people in recent years. For those who are not familiar with it, "Outer Banks" is an adventure, drama, and mystery TV show created by Jonas Pate, Josh Pate, and Shannon Burke. 

The plot follows the story of John B, a teenager living with his father in a Island in North Carolina, also known as Outer Banks. John B tries to solve the mysterious case regarding his own father who went missing months ago and, in the process, becomes involved in a treasure hunt on the island. He is joined in this quest by his group of friends, the Pogues, consisting of JJ, Kiara, Pope, and Sarah. The series highlights the stark difference between the wealthy side (Figure Eight, home of the Kooks) and the poor side (The Cut, home of the Pogues) of the island.

Additionally, it sheds light on the role of parents in the lives of various characters, who are either absent or have a limited role, leaving the teenagers to fend for themselves. Some viewers have criticized this aspect of the show as "strange" or "wrong," but the majority have appreciated the freedom given to the teenagers and explained that this situation is common in rural areas, as parents may be far away or absent due to work or difficult circumstances.

However, some critics have expressed concerns about the lack of responsible adults in the series, particularly regarding the safety of the teenagers. They argue that this absence could contribute to a problematic message, as young viewers may interpret it as acceptable for teenagers to make important decisions without consulting adults. In response to these concerns, the show's producers have stated that "Outer Banks is an adventure and fantasy show and should not be interpreted as a guide for managing life." They have also clarified that “the show is intended for teenagers and young adults, and not for children or sensitive individuals”.

In conclusion, the absence of parents in the series "Outer Banks"  sparks debates and differents opinions among viewers and experts. Despite this, the show continues to attract a significant following.

Fans appreciate the freedom given to teenagers and the unique setting. The show's freedom also makes some teenagers dream of a life without parental rules and what that might look like. While waiting for the fourth season, which the creators just started filming again after the SAG-AFTRA strike, I highly recommend watching this show!




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