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Berlin and his “Money Heist”


Berlin and his “Money Heist”

Berlin, the charismatic and fascinating character from "La Casa de Papel" (Money Heist), has received his own spin-off on the streaming platform Netflix, offering fans a new perspective on the story of the infamous thief and his life before the heist at the Royal Mint of Spain.

 The series, simply titled "Berlin," focuses on the life of Andrés de Fonollosa (played by Pedro Alonso) before he becomes the brilliant and ruthless criminal serving the "Professor." The spin-off shows how Berlin attempted a daring heist long before their plan at the Royal Mint even began. The TV series is set during the golden years of Andrés de Fonollosa, who finds himself in Paris to carry out a robbery at the prestigious auction house, Chez Vienot, which holds a lot of 44 million euros. Just like in the main series, Andrés will have to assemble a gang of robbers to help him, and attempting to stop him will be two police officers we have already seen in "La Casa de Papel": Alicia Sierra and Raquel Murillo. 

The narrative unfolds through flashbacks that alternate between Berlin's life before becoming a world-renowned criminal and his active involvement in the Professor's plan. This narrative strategy allows the viewer to appreciate the complexity of the characters and understand their actions. Directed by one of the directors of "La Casa de Papel," it is tasked with maintaining the pace and atmosphere that the audience expects from this famous saga. The cinematography is incredibly detailed, enhancing the visual effect that made the main series famous. Additionally, the soundtrack, composed of suggestive electronic tracks, remains consistent with the aesthetics of the previous series, once again confirming the connection between "Berlin'' and "La Casa de Papel”. 

Pedro Alonso's portrayal, the actor who brought Berlin to life in the original series, is astonishing. His charisma and his ability to convey intense emotions manage to capture the viewer and convince them of the depth of the character. The other members of the cast, though mostly new faces, demonstrate undeniable talent in making their characters believable. "Berlin" is a spin-off that works perfectly as part of the "La Casa de Papel'' universe. The huge social media success it has garnered demonstrates that the series has succeeded in deepening and developing one of the most beloved characters by the audience. Fans of the original series will be satisfied with the numerous surprises and plot twists that "Berlin" offers, adding further details to the story that has fascinated millions of viewers worldwide. 

With "Berlin," Netflix once again showcases its ability to create successful productions and meet the expectations of fans. The anticipation for more spin-offs and new seasons of "La Casa de Papel" is undoubtedly set to grow after the release of this series that is capturing audiences around the world.

I highly recommend this show to whoever wants to get involved in another captivating robbery alongside the curious character Berlin, as this can finally show you his backstory and why this character is so loved!




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