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I Know Places - London’s version

 I visited London last Summer with my mum and I loved every place. Everything was

stunning, but there’s one place in particular that I’ll never forget. 

Near Buckingham Palace there’s a park called St.James’s Park. I left a tiny piece of my

heart there. It’s my favourite London attraction. I love staying outdoors because everything

there reminds me of something that I've read somewhere. It is a huge park with a small lake

in the center. You can go there and walk for hours and hours without feeling tired. Everything

in the park is picturesque and lovely and reminds me of the park at Cherry Tree Lane

mentioned in the novel Mary Poppins by P.L.Travers.

When I visited it, it was early in the morning so there was a beautiful silence and an enviable

peaceful atmosphere. So, we just took a stroll and listened to the sound of nature.

Unfortunately to ruin this idyllic picture, there were some naughty creatures called “ducks”.

When you see them from far away they’re quite cute, but if you approach them you can

see that they are actually quite mean and rude too. If you stare at them, at the beginning

they ignore you but they find you annoying and they want to let you know it.

After some time they start staring back at you in a really disturbing way. Then, they squawk

at you or they even chase you while squawking, as they seem to yell “Go away stupid


We respected their privacy so we just walked by ignoring them - as they wished us to-.

At the end of the park we found a tiny and lovely house. It was set in the middle of some

trees which were hiding it. It had a small typical English garden in the front, with many

colorful flowers and every type of fruit or vegetable that can grow in England. Of course

there were a host of golden daffodils fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

                                                                                                                        G.R.  IV A ginn.


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